Mom's Memorial

Sunday morning dawned bright and beautiful for Mom’s memorial service. Thanks to the efforts of family and friends (of the green thumb variety) the cemetery looked beautiful with Mom’s stone in place next to Dad’s.

Friends began arriving around 12:00 and by 1:00 we were all gathered to bid farewell to a remarkable woman. Rev. Peter Jenks officiated as he had for Dad’s and offered kind words and prayers.

Eli read two of Mom’s poems which were selected for the occasion and Pam read Mom’s poem entitled “Epitaph.” Ryan had set up the audio system and played her poem “I Am the Sea” that had been set to music and sung by one of her theater friends. Jonathan delivered a wonderful, heartfelt eulogy after which several people spoke of their fondest memories of Mom. The service concluded with a trumpet solo of “Amazing Grace” by Jack Carpenter.

Fortunately the rain held off until everyone had gathered at the house to share food, stories and memories of a great lady. It was agreed by all that Mom could not have had a better send off if she had directed it herself – and we knew she was watching from the wings.

Thanks to all who attended and contributed to make it a truly grand tribute and to those who were with us in their thoughts.

The text of the poems and eulogy can be read by clicking the “Stories” tab on the web site and photos of the memorial will soon be available in the “Gallery.”